Guardian Messages™ provides Digital Practice Leaders, BIM and Model Managers with the means to communicate to their users directly within Revit to ensure they get critical information.
Communicate to your users directly within Revit.
Guardian Messages™ provides Digital Practice Leaders, BIM and Model Managers with the means to communicate to their users directly within Revit to ensure they get critical information.
Guardian Messages™ provides Digital Practice Leaders, BIM and Model Managers with the means to communicate to their users directly within Revit to ensure they get critical information.
Does it make sense we solved too many communications platform by creating another? We think so. We’ve heard from clients the traditional communication platforms; email and chat, are overused and important communications from Digital Practice Leaders and BIM Managers just become another communication to be ignored. So,we developed Guardian Messages™ to provide you with the means to communicate directly within Revit in ways users can’t miss.
Send Messages to the precise users with Guardian Messages™ without the need to maintain users or user groups. All users have access to send messages to all users within a given Project Model or a Guardian Project Group. And, Company Administrators have the capability to send Messages to all users in the company.
Guardian Messages™ utilizes rich-text formatting and images for maximum creativity to communicate to your users by hitting exactly the right tone.
Within the message editor; the text font, size, color, style, and formatting can be customized. Images can be added for a bit of fun to the messaging. Hyperlinks can also be added into the message, including links for websites, email addresses, and folder locations.
Expiration dates can be added. By not adding expiration dates, the message will remain until the Revit user deletes the message. This is great providing projecton boarding information that will be waiting for when new users join the project.
Here are a few ways customers have started touse Guardian Messages™:
· Notifying users when there is a disruption to BIM360 or ACC service.
· Notifying users when there are important software updates to be installed.
· Communicate to new employees of Digital Practice Knowledge Base resources and onboarding opportunities.
· Welcome messages to new project team members with information regarding project best-practices and links to the project BIM Execution Plan.
· Reminders to users to sync and close their models before leaving.
User can access all messages sent, both to the project, projects groups and company all within Guardian’s Project Central in case they need to reference the message after it’s been sent. Administrators have the ability to edit, resend or delete their messages.
Guardian's Project Central provides Project Administrators with real-time data on the performance of the project model.
With Guardian’s Project Central you’re always up to speed on your project model’s performance and health. Project Central’s many dashboards provide you real-time data to immediately address issues before they become an issue. The Activity Feed displays to the Project Administrator how end-users are utilizing the model and how Guardian is working to protect it. Check out the many insights Project Central provides!
With Guardian’s Project Central you’re always up to speed on your project model’s performance and health. Project Central’s many dashboards provide you real-time data to immediately address issues before they become an issue. The Activity Feed displays to the Project Administrator how end-users are utilizing the model and how Guardian is working to protect it. Check out the many insights Project Central provides!
Users at a Glance provides an overview of the activity of each user in the model. By simply clicking on any data point provides further details of each activity with the Activity Feed. Know the Warnings each user is generating so administrators can better educate users on the risks associated with Revit Warnings. Users at a Glance also provides which version of Revit and Guardian each user has installed ensuring everyone within the project model are on the same builds.
Timeline is a powerful dashboard providing model performance and health data. Key indicators such at Time to Open, Time to Sync, Warnings, Files and Project Sessions provide real-time model performance data. Project Sessions provides who is in the project model, when got into the model and for how long, and when they have synchronized with central.
Activity Feed provides real-time data on how users are utilizing the project model. Easily filter the Actively Feed by users or by specific activities such as Guardian User Commands, Revit Warnings, Sync with Central, and Transactions. Clicking on any activity provides detailed information on each.
Ensure users are syncing regularly, quickly, and without interruption.
Synchronize with Central is one of the most important commands in Revit. When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong; leading to users being locked out of work, losing work, or, at worst, model corruptions.
Synchronize with Central is one of the most important commands in Revit. When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong; leading to users being locked out of work, losing work, or, at worst, model corruptions.
Revitusers delay synchronizing their models because it takes too long, or they’re being delayed by others. This starts a vicious cycle, users don’t sync because it takes too long. Because users don’t sync, it makes Synchronize with Central take even longer. Guardian’s Sync Traffic Control™ breaks this cycle by coordinating Synchronize with Central with teammates, ensuring that everyone synchronizes regularly without interruption. Speeding up syncing for everyone!
Over so many years of using Revit, users are accustomed to ignoring Revit’s native reminders to Synchronize with Central. Ignoring to sync regularly increases sync times, the potential of losing work and model corruptions. Sync Traffic Control™ provides administrator the controls to remind everyone on the team to sync on a frequent basis. Better yet, users can be forced to sync if they haven’t once all the reminders have been exhausted, ensuring they don’t accidentally lose work.
With native Revit, once a user starts Synchronize with Central they are left waiting until all users who have already started to sync have finished, creating downtime for those users. Guardian’s Sync Traffic Control™ first looks to see if Synchronize with Central is available and will notify the user when Synchronizewith Central is available, allowing them to continue working without the downtime.
Keep Your Firm's Standards Synced Across All Models
Guardian Sync™ is an industry first at keeping your standards synced across models and stored in the cloud!
Guardian Sync™ is an industry first at keeping your standards synced across models and stored in the cloud!
Guardian Sync™ allows you to centrally control your standard properties in the cloud. With these features, your standard properties are stored in the cloud and synchronized across to your projects. A change to a property in the cloud means that change will also be, automatically or manually,updated in the projects and families.
Guardian’s Backstage™ is your data! The Guardian provided Microsoft Power BI dashboards deliver insights of the effectiveness of Guardian at protecting your firm’s standards and your project’s models.
Guardian’s Backstage™ is your data! The Guardian provided Microsoft Power BI dashboards deliver insights of the effectiveness of Guardian at protecting your firm’s standards and your project’s models.
Guardian’s Backstage™ is your data! The Guardian provided Microsoft Power BI dashboards deliver insights of the effectiveness of Guardian at protecting your firm’s standards and your project’s models.
Guardian, along with Revit, produces a tremendous amount of data for you toget the fullest picture possible of what’s happening inside your project models. Guardian’s Backstage™ many Power BI dashboards have been setup to decipher this data so you can quickly glean the insights you need for better decision making and BIM Management.
Without realizing it, Guardian is a workhorse. The main Power BI dashboard demonstrates how much work Guardian performs, even in theset-it & forget-it deployments. This dashboard shows how many registered models, the total number of Project Properties mapped to your firm’s standards, how many User Commands have prevented potential mistakes, and much more.
This Power BI dashboard keeps track of the general activity within each project model. Specific project models can be filtered to see the properties that have been added, modified, and deleted. The families that have been loaded into each project model are also be monitored here. This helps to determine if end-users are loading families from non-approved locations.
this Power BI dashboard keeps track of all monitored User Commands. Additional details for each command used is also available: the active view and any elements that have been added, modified, or deleted. For certain commands, before and after screenshots are also available to shed further light onto the user’s activity.
Keeping any design application up to date on user’s machines is difficult even for the best of us, regardless the size of the firm. The installations dashboard helps to keep track of your users and make sure that they have the most up-to-date version of Guardian installed on their machine’s, helping to ensure they take advantage of latest features and protections Guardian has to offer.
Guardian's Project Central provides Project Administrators with real-time data on the performance of the project model.
With Guardian’s Project Central you’re always up to speed on your project model’s performance and health. Project Central’s many dashboards provide you real-time data to immediately address issues before they become an issue. The Activity Feed displays to the Project Administrator how end-users are utilizing the model and how Guardian is working to protect it. Check out the many insights Project Central provides!
With Guardian’s Project Central you’re always up to speed on your project model’s performance and health. Project Central’s many dashboards provide you real-time data to immediately address issues before they become an issue. The Activity Feed displays to the Project Administrator how end-users are utilizing the model and how Guardian is working to protect it. Check out the many insights Project Central provides!
Users at a Glance provides an overview of the activity of each user in the model. By simply clicking on any data point provides further details of each activity with the Activity Feed. Know the Warnings each user is generating so administrators can better educate users on the risks associated with Revit Warnings. Users at a Glance also provides which version of Revit and Guardian each user has installed ensuring everyone within the project model are on the same builds.
Timeline is a powerful dashboard providing model performance and health data. Key indicators such at Time to Open, Time to Sync, Warnings, Files and Project Sessions provide real-time model performance data. Project Sessions provides who is in the project model, when got into the model and for how long, and when they have synchronized with central.
Activity Feed provides real-time data on how users are utilizing the project model. Easily filter the Actively Feed by users or by specific activities such as Guardian User Commands, Revit Warnings, Sync with Central, and Transactions. Clicking on any activity provides detailed information on each.
Project at a Glance provides a quick view of the project model in the ways Guardian is meant to prevent.
Project at a Glance provides a quick view of the project model in the ways Guardian is meant to prevent.
Project at a Glance provides a quick view of the project model in the ways Guardian is meant to prevent.
Your have setup Guardian to protect your project model and now let's see how well the team is following your lead. When Custom Interactions are turned on, Project Central will track those protections and list those elements that users have allowed to slip into the project model.
Project at a Glance provides an easy to consume list of all the modeled elements not meeting the requirements set by the Custom Interactions settings. Keep instantly up to speed on Protected Pinned elements that have been left unpinned, Groups that have been created or named improperly, families that have been improperly mirrored, in-place families that have been duplicated too many times, and many more!
Users at a Glance provides an overview of the activity of each user in the model.
Users at a Glance provides an overview of the activity of each user in the model.
Users at a Glance provides an overview of the activity of each user in the model. Simply clicking on any data point provides further details of each activity with the Activity Feed. Know the Warnings each user is generating so administrators can better educate users on the risks associated with Revit Warnings. Users at a Glance also provides which version of Revit and Guardian each user has installed ensuring everyone within the project model are on the same builds.
By simply clicking on any data point for any given user provides further details of each activity with the Activity Feed. In addition to Project Properties and Users Commands, Users at a Glance lists the Warnings each user is generating so administrators can better educate users on the risks associated with Revit Warnings. Users at a Glance also provides which version of Revit and Guardian each user has installed ensuring everyone within the project model are on the same builds.
Timeline is a powerful dashboard providing model performance and health data. Key indicators such at Time to Open, Time to Sync, Warnings, Files and Project Sessions provide real-time model performance data. Project Sessions provides who is in the project model, when got into the model and for how long, and when they have synchronized with central.
Timeline is a powerful dashboard providing model performance and health data. Key indicators such at Time to Open, Time to Sync, Warnings, Files and Project Sessions provide real-time model performance data. Project Sessions provides who is in the project model, when got into the model and for how long, and when they have synchronized with central.
Timeline provides quick and digestible model performance and health data.
Time to Open provides the model opening times for each user in the project model. This is an invaluable indicator when trying to determine issues associated with individual users such as improperly opening a central model, slow network speeds (very common working from home) and much more.
Time to Sync provides the time to sync for each individual user in the project the model. Just like Time to Open, invaluable information is inferred from the data such as overall long sync times implies infrequent sync times, users competing with syncs, overall model files size or slow network speeds. Outliers associated with individual users can indicate localized issues that impair the project team as a whole.
Activity Feed provides real-time data on how users are utilizing the project model. Easily filter the Activity Feed by users or by specific activities such as Guardian User Commands, Revit Warnings, Sync with Central, and Transactions. Clicking on any activity provides detailed information on each.
Activity Feed provides real-time data on how users are utilizing the project model. Easily filter the Activity Feed by users or by specific activities such as Guardian User Commands, Revit Warnings, Sync with Central, and Transactions. Clicking on any activity provides detailed information on each.
Easily filter the Activity Feed by users or by specific activities such as Guardian User Commands, Revit Warnings, Sync with Central, and Transactions.
The User Command protections you have setup for your project are listed within the activity feed when executed by the end user. To assist distinguishing the User Commands that have been set to Monitor, Guide, and Prevent the icons will show as green, yellow, and red respectively for quick determination of the most critical of the executed commands. By clicking on any one of these User Commands will show additional details along with the comments entered by the end user and snap shots of the action (when permitted by the specific command).
When a user generates warnings in the project model they are listed in the Activity Feed. The Warnings are colored coded green, yellow, and red for warning priority set to Low, Medium, and High. Guardian has pre-set the priority for each to help you get started with this features ASAP. By clicking on any one of these warnings will show additional information on the Revit warning and the affected elements.
Transactions set by Guardian will be listed when end users execute one of these transactions. As the number of properties affected increase, the icon will change accordingly from green to yellow to red. By clicking on these Transactions will open the Project Properties dialog and filter the history to show the specific Transaction.
Define and notify users of approved Revit family sources.
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
Firms and projects spend a tremendous amount of time and money creating and maintaining Revit family libraries that align with the firm’s standards and BIM infrastructure at large. Too many times these standards are undermined when end-users load Revit families from location other than the firm’s library. Guardian’s Approved Content Sources does exactly as its name implies, it ensures Revit families are being sourced from the firm’s libraries and discourages families from unknown sources.
Approved Content Sources provides the ability for Guardian to respond differently to incoming families for from approved versus non-approved sources; such as enacting Project Properties when the family comes from a non-approved source by turning off Project Properties for content inserted from the firm’s content management solution.
If the incoming families are determined to be loaded from non-approved content sources, Guardian will provide the end-user a Command Message as determined by the set Protection Mode.
Know everything that’s being deleted when it’s being deleted.
When a user moves to execute a delete command, Guardian’s Delete Notifications will not only show all dependent elements that will be deleted, but a Show in Project view of these elements can also be displayed before the user continues the delete command.
When a user moves to execute a delete command, Guardian’s Delete Notifications will not only show all dependent elements that will be deleted, but a Show in Project view of these elements can also be displayed before the user continues the delete command.
Delete Notifications list all the dependent elements being deleted with their Element IDs so users know everything being deleted.
Define which instance project parameters are to be populated as elements are being placed.
When an element is placed, most users do not populate the necessary instance parameter data; it’s not until later in the project that they will go back and complete the task. This is an inefficient workflow. The Parameter Prompts allows administrators to select which instance parameters Revit users are prompted to input data instantly following the placement of associated modeled elements.
When an element is placed, most users do not populate the necessary instance parameter data; it’s not until later in the project that they will go back and complete the task. This is an inefficient workflow. The Parameter Prompts allows administrators to select which instance parameters Revit users are prompted to input data instantly following the placement of associated modeled elements.
Guardian's Parameter Prompts will prompt users to input an instance parameter value after an element is placed. Because Revit allow users to place multiple elements without exiting the command, such as a wall, if selected, Guardian will not prompt the user until the command is completed. Thus, updating the instance parameter values for all the elements just placed.
Guardian’s User Commands prevent mistakes before they happen.
User Commands provides you to create customized messages encouraging your users to follow your firm’s standards and best practices for nearly 100 Revit commands. Guardian customers save time and money by ensuring their users are properly utilizing Revit the first time, and not doubling back to fix mistakes.
For each of these commands, Guardian allows for three levels of protection to be set for each of the User Commands; Monitor, Guide and Prevent.
User Commands provides you to create customized messages encouraging your users to follow your firm’s standards and best practices for nearly 100 Revit commands. Guardian customers save time and money by ensuring their users are properly utilizing Revit the first time, and not doubling back to fix mistakes.
For each of these commands, Guardian allows for three levels of protection to be set for each of the User Commands; Monitor, Guide and Prevent.
With over 100 Revit commands to protect, Guardian provides you the means to communicate best practices in real-time for each of the 100 protected User Commands.
Each User Command provides several ways of customizing how you and the Revit user communicate in real-time. In addition to the Protection Mode, you can require end-users to enter a comment to why or how they intend to use the command and for you to recieve an email notification when they do so.
The customized Command Message provides you the means to assist the end-users in real-time by tailoring a message about best practices and/or potential risk associated with specific Revit commands.
Let’s be honest, sometimes Guardian is too protective for your advanced Revit users. Guardian’s Command Frequency provides you means to customize a "snooze-button", so the end-user can delay the Guardian Command Message by Once per session, 3 days, 7 days, or even Never.
Keep your Revit families from being edited by inexperienced users.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Don’t you hate it when the left filler strip parameter on the casework turns on the right filler strip instead? So do we. This is obviously a low-risk example, but some families have scheduling parameters that rely on a specific orientation and can cause problems in the field if they are incorrect. No one wants to be scalded with hot water because someone didn’t catch the error in the field.
Mirror Protections will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to mirror the family.
Guardian’s User Commands prevent mistakes before they happen.
User Commands provides you to create customized messages encouraging your users to follow your firm’s standards and best practices for nearly 100 Revit commands. Guardian customers save time and money by ensuring their users are properly utilizing Revit the first time, and not doubling back to fix mistakes.
For each of these commands, Guardian allows for three levels of protection to be set for each of the User Commands; Monitor, Guide and Prevent.
User Commands provides you to create customized messages encouraging your users to follow your firm’s standards and best practices for nearly 100 Revit commands. Guardian customers save time and money by ensuring their users are properly utilizing Revit the first time, and not doubling back to fix mistakes.
For each of these commands, Guardian allows for three levels of protection to be set for each of the User Commands; Monitor, Guide and Prevent.
With over 100 Revit commands to protect, Guardian provides you the means to communicate best practices in real-time for each of the 100 protected User Commands.
Each User Command provides several ways of customizing how you and the Revit user communicate in real-time. In addition to the Protection Mode, you can require end-users to enter a comment to why or how they intend to use the command and for you to recieve an email notification when they do so.
The customized Command Message provides you the means to assist the end-users in real-time by tailoring a message about best practices and/or potential risk associated with specific Revit commands.
Let’s be honest, sometimes Guardian is too protective for your advanced Revit users. Guardian’s Command Frequency provides you means to customize a "snooze-button", so the end-user can delay the Guardian Command Message by Once per session, 3 days, 7 days, or even Never.
Keep your Revit Groups free of corrupting content.
Let’s face it, Revit Groups have their limitations. Certain modeled elements induce instability into Revit Groups, leading to model slowness, corruptions and even crashes. Guardian gives you the ability to determine which elements are safe and unsafe to use in Revit groups, mitigating unstable performance.
Let’s face it, Revit Groups have their limitations. Certain modeled elements induce instability into Revit Groups, leading to model slowness, corruptions and even crashes. Guardian gives you the ability to determine which elements are safe and unsafe to use in Revit groups, mitigating unstable performance.
Guardian’s Group Protections ensures only model elements permitted by you are allowed within Revit Model and Detail groups within Revit. Once activated for the project model, Group Protections will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to save a group with elements that have been identified to be prohibited from groups.
We heard from our customers there are certain elements that just do not play nice with Revit Model and Detail groups. Many times, groups with these elements become corrupted, cause glitches in the model and, at times, causes models to crash. With Group Protections you determine which elements are safe and not safe to use in Revit groups.
Define and notify users of approved Revit family sources.
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
Firms and projects spend a tremendous amount of time and money creating and maintaining Revit family libraries that align with the firm’s standards and BIM infrastructure at large. Too many times these standards are undermined when end-users load Revit families from location other than the firm’s library. Guardian’s Approved Content Sources does exactly as its name implies, it ensures Revit families are being sourced from the firm’s libraries and discourages families from unknown sources.
Approved Content Sources provides the ability for Guardian to respond differently to incoming families for from approved versus non-approved sources; such as enacting Project Properties when the family comes from a non-approved source by turning off Project Properties for content inserted from the firm’s content management solution.
If the incoming families are determined to be loaded from non-approved content sources, Guardian will provide the end-user a Command Message as determined by the set Protection Mode.
Keep your Revit families from being edited by inexperienced users.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Protected Families allows Project Administrator to select families in the project model, placed or unplaced, to protect them from being overwritten by end-users. Once activated for the project model, Protected Families will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to reload the family from the family editor or replace the family of the same name from an external source.
Protected Families will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to reload the family.
Pin it and forget it.
How many times have you pinned an element only to find out on print day it had moved! Guardian’s Protected Pins feature allows you to ensure pinned elements stay pinned. Guardian’s protections are overlayed onto Revit’s native pinning command, and users are notified of the protected pin when they attempt to unpin.
How many times have you pinned an element only to find out on print day it had moved! Guardian’s Protected Pins feature allows you to ensure pinned elements stay pinned. Guardian’s protections are overlayed onto Revit’s native pinning command, and users are notified of the protected pin when they attempt to unpin.
Utilizing Revit’s native pinning command, Guardian’s Protected Pins allows Project Administrators to add Guide & Prevent protections to pinned elements. Once activated for the project model, model elements pinned with Protected Pins will display a customized Guardian Command Message when unpinned, requiring the end-user to enter a comment and/or a password to continue to unpin the model element.
We have heard from our customers many times over how they have pinned elements only for others to unpin, causing setbacks to the development of the project model. Revit’s native pinning command relies on all users to understand the importance of and why certain elements are pinned an allowing all to unpin even if they don’t. While Revit’s Select Pinned Elements adds a layer of protections, we have heard most user just turn it off anyway. Guardian’s Protected Pins solves this problem and provide a layer of protections in a manner only Guardian can.
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Pre-assign Viewport Types to View Types.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Guardian's Viewport Selection provides you the means to pre-define the Viewport Type to View Types ensuring the correct View Title displays when the view is placed on a sheet. Guardian does this automatically without any input by the user.
Automatically take control of Revit’s project properties and align with your firm’s standards.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties is a powerful tool for perfecting your project model’s properties to be in alignment with your firm’s graphical and Revit Standards. Project Properties will identify, process, and clean the furthest reaches of your project models and Revit families. Project Properties can be activated when new content, such as manufacture’s families or views from another project, are inserted into the project model, cleaning and maintaining your standards in real-time.
Because Guardian memorizes the mappings made during this process it creates the ability to automate this process for future users and projects. This allows for end-users to bypass the Project Properties interface when inserting content all-the-while Guardian cleans the properties of the incoming content in the background. Any properties Guardian does not recognize from previous mappings, the Project Administrator can access the Project Properties menu to retroactively clean those properties.
Project Properties controlled:
Guardian’s Project Properties maintains your firm’s graphical and Revit standards. With a simple but power interface, all Revit properties in the project model are listed and the mapping tools provide the means to map, or swap, the foreign properties to those of your firm. Once these properties are mapped, the foreign properties are purged completely from the project model including from within the Revit families loaded into the project model. This also provides BIM Managers the ability to perfect the properties of their family libraries to be in perfect alignment with the firm’s Revit project templates.
Guardian's Project Properties History menu displays transactions when content has been Added, Modified and Deleted into or within the project model. By clicking on any one of these transactions, Transaction Details provide who did what when and from where and what properties were Added, Modified and Deleted during that transaction.
Automate the creation and assignment of Worksets.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Workset Manager is a powerful feature that provides Company Administrators the means to establish company standard worksets and automate adherence to those standards. The Workset Manager allows Company Administrators to create multiple Workset Sets for different disciplines, typologies, or clients, to be selected when Revit users enable Worksharing. Each Workset Set can contain an unique list of worksets.
Furthermore, the Workset Manager addresses the placement of elements onto the correct workset, with customized rule-based automation for elements to be placed on these pre-defined Worksets.
Automatically prevent duplicate families from entering your project models.
In response to Revit’s handling of “duplicate families,” Guardian’s Family Mapping feature will automatically exchange the incoming family, once mapped, to the family already present in the project model. It will also maintain the Instance Parameter values of the incoming families.
In response to Revit’s handling of “duplicate families,” Guardian’s Family Mapping feature will automatically exchange the incoming family, once mapped, to the family already present in the project model. It will also maintain the Instance Parameter values of the incoming families.
We have heard from our customers how project models become bloated with duplicate Revit families. For example, “E1 30 x 42 Horizontal.rfa & E1 30 x 42 Horizontal1.rfa”. Guardian assumes the project model in which content is being insert into contains the accurate content and provides you means to map, or merge if you will, these incoming families. Thus, this prevents the accumulation of duplicate families that happens over the course of a project. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mapping so it happens automatically for everyone in the firm moving forward.
Typically seen when the Insert Views from File command is used, all the families associated with those views, typically Annotation Symbols and Detail Items, come with the views. In real-time, Guardian provides you the means to map these incoming families to those already in the project model. This prevents the duplicate family types warnings the Revit creates and also elements the superfluous families that accumulate over the course of a project.
Instantly map incoming shared parameters to those already in your project model.
It’s common for Shared Parameters from various sources to show up in your project files, preventing your project schedules from being populated with the correct data. Guardian addresses this issue by allowing you to map these Shared Parameters to those already in your project. Even when the Shared Parameter is embedded into a formula or has a formula assigned, Guardian will make all necessary updates to keep the formulas intact.
It’s common for Shared Parameters from various sources to show up in your project files, preventing your project schedules from being populated with the correct data. Guardian addresses this issue by allowing you to map these Shared Parameters to those already in your project. Even when the Shared Parameter is embedded into a formula or has a formula assigned, Guardian will make all necessary updates to keep the formulas intact.
If you have ever used any manufacturer’s content, whether it is a sink or a refrigerator, then you know how many shared parameters are baked into those families. Each family contains the entire catalog of shared parameters available by the manufacturer regardless of if it is used or not. As projects progress and more and more outside families are loaded in, all the extraneous shared parameters make their way into the file even when they will never be used.
Automate the creation and assignment of Worksets.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Workset Manager is a powerful feature that provides Company Administrators the means to establish company standard worksets and automate adherence to those standards. The Workset Manager allows Company Administrators to create multiple Workset Sets for different disciplines, typologies, or clients, to be selected when Revit users enable Worksharing. Each Workset Set can contain an unique list of worksets.
Furthermore, the Workset Manager addresses the placement of elements onto the correct workset, with customized rule-based automation for elements to be placed on these pre-defined Worksets.
Keep your Revit Groups free of corrupting content.
Let’s face it, Revit Groups have their limitations. Certain modeled elements induce instability into Revit Groups, leading to model slowness, corruptions and even crashes. Guardian gives you the ability to determine which elements are safe and unsafe to use in Revit groups, mitigating unstable performance.
Let’s face it, Revit Groups have their limitations. Certain modeled elements induce instability into Revit Groups, leading to model slowness, corruptions and even crashes. Guardian gives you the ability to determine which elements are safe and unsafe to use in Revit groups, mitigating unstable performance.
Guardian’s Group Protections ensures only model elements permitted by you are allowed within Revit Model and Detail groups within Revit. Once activated for the project model, Group Protections will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to save a group with elements that have been identified to be prohibited from groups.
We heard from our customers there are certain elements that just do not play nice with Revit Model and Detail groups. Many times, groups with these elements become corrupted, cause glitches in the model and, at times, causes models to crash. With Group Protections you determine which elements are safe and not safe to use in Revit groups.
Pin it and forget it.
How many times have you pinned an element only to find out on print day it had moved! Guardian’s Protected Pins feature allows you to ensure pinned elements stay pinned. Guardian’s protections are overlayed onto Revit’s native pinning command, and users are notified of the protected pin when they attempt to unpin.
How many times have you pinned an element only to find out on print day it had moved! Guardian’s Protected Pins feature allows you to ensure pinned elements stay pinned. Guardian’s protections are overlayed onto Revit’s native pinning command, and users are notified of the protected pin when they attempt to unpin.
Utilizing Revit’s native pinning command, Guardian’s Protected Pins allows Project Administrators to add Guide & Prevent protections to pinned elements. Once activated for the project model, model elements pinned with Protected Pins will display a customized Guardian Command Message when unpinned, requiring the end-user to enter a comment and/or a password to continue to unpin the model element.
We have heard from our customers many times over how they have pinned elements only for others to unpin, causing setbacks to the development of the project model. Revit’s native pinning command relies on all users to understand the importance of and why certain elements are pinned an allowing all to unpin even if they don’t. While Revit’s Select Pinned Elements adds a layer of protections, we have heard most user just turn it off anyway. Guardian’s Protected Pins solves this problem and provide a layer of protections in a manner only Guardian can.
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Keep your Revit families from being edited by inexperienced users.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Have you ever spent hours, even days, setting up a Revit family specifically needed for your project, only to find someone has modified the family? Guardian’s Protected Families allows for selected families to be protected when reloaded from the family editor or from a file path.
Protected Families allows Project Administrator to select families in the project model, placed or unplaced, to protect them from being overwritten by end-users. Once activated for the project model, Protected Families will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to reload the family from the family editor or replace the family of the same name from an external source.
Protected Families will display a customized Guardian Command Message when an end-user attempts to reload the family.
Pre-assign Viewport Types to View Types.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Guardian's Viewport Selection provides you the means to pre-define the Viewport Type to View Types ensuring the correct View Title displays when the view is placed on a sheet. Guardian does this automatically without any input by the user.
Define and notify users of approved Revit family sources.
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
Firms and projects spend a tremendous amount of time and money creating and maintaining Revit family libraries that align with the firm’s standards and BIM infrastructure at large. Too many times these standards are undermined when end-users load Revit families from location other than the firm’s library. Guardian’s Approved Content Sources does exactly as its name implies, it ensures Revit families are being sourced from the firm’s libraries and discourages families from unknown sources.
Approved Content Sources provides the ability for Guardian to respond differently to incoming families for from approved versus non-approved sources; such as enacting Project Properties when the family comes from a non-approved source by turning off Project Properties for content inserted from the firm’s content management solution.
If the incoming families are determined to be loaded from non-approved content sources, Guardian will provide the end-user a Command Message as determined by the set Protection Mode.
Keep Your Firm's Standards Synced Across All Models
Guardian Sync™ is an industry first at keeping your standards synced across models and stored in the cloud!
Guardian Sync™ is an industry first at keeping your standards synced across models and stored in the cloud!
Guardian Sync™ allows you to centrally control your standard properties in the cloud. With these features, your standard properties are stored in the cloud and synchronized across to your projects. A change to a property in the cloud means that change will also be, automatically or manually,updated in the projects and families.
Define and notify users of approved Revit family sources.
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
You may have curated the perfect content library for your firm, but you cannot prevent your users from going into their own stash and using their favorite families. Using self-created rules, you can now assign Approved Content Sources for your users. Guardian will caution, and even prevent, users when they try to import content from non-preapproved sources
Firms and projects spend a tremendous amount of time and money creating and maintaining Revit family libraries that align with the firm’s standards and BIM infrastructure at large. Too many times these standards are undermined when end-users load Revit families from location other than the firm’s library. Guardian’s Approved Content Sources does exactly as its name implies, it ensures Revit families are being sourced from the firm’s libraries and discourages families from unknown sources.
Approved Content Sources provides the ability for Guardian to respond differently to incoming families for from approved versus non-approved sources; such as enacting Project Properties when the family comes from a non-approved source by turning off Project Properties for content inserted from the firm’s content management solution.
If the incoming families are determined to be loaded from non-approved content sources, Guardian will provide the end-user a Command Message as determined by the set Protection Mode.
Automatically take control of Revit’s project properties and align with your firm’s standards.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties is a powerful tool for perfecting your project model’s properties to be in alignment with your firm’s graphical and Revit Standards. Project Properties will identify, process, and clean the furthest reaches of your project models and Revit families. Project Properties can be activated when new content, such as manufacture’s families or views from another project, are inserted into the project model, cleaning and maintaining your standards in real-time.
Because Guardian memorizes the mappings made during this process it creates the ability to automate this process for future users and projects. This allows for end-users to bypass the Project Properties interface when inserting content all-the-while Guardian cleans the properties of the incoming content in the background. Any properties Guardian does not recognize from previous mappings, the Project Administrator can access the Project Properties menu to retroactively clean those properties.
Project Properties controlled:
Guardian’s Project Properties maintains your firm’s graphical and Revit standards. With a simple but power interface, all Revit properties in the project model are listed and the mapping tools provide the means to map, or swap, the foreign properties to those of your firm. Once these properties are mapped, the foreign properties are purged completely from the project model including from within the Revit families loaded into the project model. This also provides BIM Managers the ability to perfect the properties of their family libraries to be in perfect alignment with the firm’s Revit project templates.
Guardian's Project Properties History menu displays transactions when content has been Added, Modified and Deleted into or within the project model. By clicking on any one of these transactions, Transaction Details provide who did what when and from where and what properties were Added, Modified and Deleted during that transaction.
Pre-assign Viewport Types to View Types.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Controlling Viewport Types is difficult at best. With Viewport Selection you can now pre-assign your firm’s Viewport Types to specific View Types. When views are placed on sheets, the correct Viewport Type is automatically applied, ensuring consistency for all views and saving time by eliminating the need to manually update views.
Guardian's Viewport Selection provides you the means to pre-define the Viewport Type to View Types ensuring the correct View Title displays when the view is placed on a sheet. Guardian does this automatically without any input by the user.
Automatically take control of Revit’s project properties and align with your firm’s standards.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties provides you the means to assign mappings to incoming Revit properties to those in your project model. Better yet, Guardian memorizes these mappings, automatically updating properties in the future. This simple but powerful tool ensures your firm’s standards are maintained.
Guardian’s Project Properties is a powerful tool for perfecting your project model’s properties to be in alignment with your firm’s graphical and Revit Standards. Project Properties will identify, process, and clean the furthest reaches of your project models and Revit families. Project Properties can be activated when new content, such as manufacture’s families or views from another project, are inserted into the project model, cleaning and maintaining your standards in real-time.
Because Guardian memorizes the mappings made during this process it creates the ability to automate this process for future users and projects. This allows for end-users to bypass the Project Properties interface when inserting content all-the-while Guardian cleans the properties of the incoming content in the background. Any properties Guardian does not recognize from previous mappings, the Project Administrator can access the Project Properties menu to retroactively clean those properties.
Project Properties controlled:
Guardian’s Project Properties maintains your firm’s graphical and Revit standards. With a simple but power interface, all Revit properties in the project model are listed and the mapping tools provide the means to map, or swap, the foreign properties to those of your firm. Once these properties are mapped, the foreign properties are purged completely from the project model including from within the Revit families loaded into the project model. This also provides BIM Managers the ability to perfect the properties of their family libraries to be in perfect alignment with the firm’s Revit project templates.
Guardian's Project Properties History menu displays transactions when content has been Added, Modified and Deleted into or within the project model. By clicking on any one of these transactions, Transaction Details provide who did what when and from where and what properties were Added, Modified and Deleted during that transaction.
Automate the creation and assignment of Worksets.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Guardian’s Workset Manager is a game changer for Revit. Not only does it finally create for Revit a selectable list of Workset sets to choose from, but its rule-based workset assignments automatically place modeled elements on the correct Worksets every time!
The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets, and the placement of elements onto the correct Worksets.
The Workset Manager also sends a prompt to users to select the active Workset when workshared-enabled projects are opened.
Workset Manager is a powerful feature that provides Company Administrators the means to establish company standard worksets and automate adherence to those standards. The Workset Manager allows Company Administrators to create multiple Workset Sets for different disciplines, typologies, or clients, to be selected when Revit users enable Worksharing. Each Workset Set can contain an unique list of worksets.
Furthermore, the Workset Manager addresses the placement of elements onto the correct workset, with customized rule-based automation for elements to be placed on these pre-defined Worksets.
Ensure users are syncing regularly, quickly, and without interruption.
Synchronize with Central is one of the most important commands in Revit. When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong; leading to users being locked out of work, losing work, or, at worst, model corruptions.
Synchronize with Central is one of the most important commands in Revit. When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong; leading to users being locked out of work, losing work, or, at worst, model corruptions.
Revitusers delay synchronizing their models because it takes too long, or they’re being delayed by others. This starts a vicious cycle, users don’t sync because it takes too long. Because users don’t sync, it makes Synchronize with Central take even longer. Guardian’s Sync Traffic Control™ breaks this cycle by coordinating Synchronize with Central with teammates, ensuring that everyone synchronizes regularly without interruption. Speeding up syncing for everyone!
Over so many years of using Revit, users are accustomed to ignoring Revit’s native reminders to Synchronize with Central. Ignoring to sync regularly increases sync times, the potential of losing work and model corruptions. Sync Traffic Control™ provides administrator the controls to remind everyone on the team to sync on a frequent basis. Better yet, users can be forced to sync if they haven’t once all the reminders have been exhausted, ensuring they don’t accidentally lose work.
With native Revit, once a user starts Synchronize with Central they are left waiting until all users who have already started to sync have finished, creating downtime for those users. Guardian’s Sync Traffic Control™ first looks to see if Synchronize with Central is available and will notify the user when Synchronizewith Central is available, allowing them to continue working without the downtime.
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